
It’s been a few weeks, but now that spring is fully rolling, the SDC squads are gradually filling out. Quails had their first tournament (ever) and Sac Lunch with the first of the new season in April. Both teams had a successful outing at DUI in Davis competing with many of the perennial contenders in the region and a few college teams . We continue to work on building some consistency at practices and even testing out a new defensive scheme on the fly. Jerseys are in, and should be printed soon, and the team heads up to Oregon for another mixed tournament later in May!


photo dump for recent Hat Tournament and SUPA League

Hat tournament went great! Thanks for everyone who came out. Fun and friends all around, despite somewhat muddy (who knew) conditions. Here’s a link to a Google Photos album for pictures throughout the season. Will probably post some highlights here directly as well. Some pics from last night of single-gendered SUPA Winter League as well:



Categorized as photos

2022 Sacramento Club Intro/Mixer

Come out on Saturday March 12th to meet leadership and returners from local club teams! To include SacTown Disc Club teams (Sac Lunch, Ziggurat, Quails) and local mixed team Buckwild. All experience, age (<18), and gender welcomed.

We will discuss goals and opportunity for the upcoming season and have a variety of skills/drills station plus scrimmages of various sizes.

9 AM – 1 PM @ Tahoe Park 

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/NdBouP2W8DTnYPEo6


Categorized as anouncement

2022 USAU season

Plans for the upcoming ultimate season are shaping up. SDC expects a return of our women’s team Sac Lunch with participation in regular season events in addition to the USAU series. Discussion continues regarding the fate of Ziggurat, though we expect to at least field an Open team for Sectionals. In addition, there will be a new competitive Mixed team founded (name not yet finalized), with the expectation to compete through the regular season as well as the USAU series. Sacramento will also be seeing a return of the established Mixed team Buckwild, though also possibly to be renamed.

We are all excited to see what a full season of ultimate will look like in this new era.



PS as always please feel free to leave comments/questions or email them to [email protected]

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